Fall Foward

The last letter I sent out was over a year and a half ago with Machine Project's outrageous Platinum Collection release at the historic Vista Theater here in Los Angeles. The day after that I went back into the studio and haven't come out until now. First there was PST (Getty's Pacific Standard Time), and then some PTSD, and now the centennials. The Phil's Past/Forward: LA Phil at 100 is releasing at the end of this month. And the Huntington's Nineteen Nineteen is coming next year.

In the background a bunch of awards were announced for two books I worked on for PST: Axis Mundo (the ONE Archives at USC Libraries) and Prometheus 2017 (Pomona Museum).

Please celebrate with me these great books: have a little living room dance party with someone you love.

All best,
Kimberly Varella and Content Object

Announcing awards for 
Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A.

Perhaps you remember last fall there was an exhibition called Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A. as a part of Getty's Pacific Standard Time Initiative? Then maybe you remember a brightly kissed catalogue of yellows and oranges that flanked the gallery's reception tables? Well not only does Axis Mundo live on exhibition-wise—New York, Denver, and Las Vegas via Independent Curators International exhibitions—but it's companion catalogue has caught the eye of some very discerning folks. We are so proud to announce the the following awards:

First Place for The Frances Smyth-Ravenel Prize for Excellence in Publication Design
American Alliance of Museums (AAM)

"50 Books | 50 Covers" Competition
AIGA + Design Observer for the Book category

2018 Award for Excellence
C. Ondine Chavoya and David Evans Frantz for the Axis Mundo Catalogue
Association of Art Museum Curators (AAMC)

First Place for the category of "Best LGBTQ Themed Book"
International Latino Book Awards

Second Place for the category of "Best Art Book"
International Latino Book Awards

Of course the "we" is truly all the people that contributed to this book and it's success. The editors and writers C. Ondine Chavoya and David Evans Frantz with Macarena Gómez-Barris, line editor and project manager, Audrey Walen, as well as writers Leticia Alvarado, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Simon Doonan, Colin Gunckel, Joshua Javier Gúzman, Iván A. Ramos, Richard T. Rodríguez and the 60+ amazing artists who without their brilliant work this book would never be.

And for Prometheus 2017:
Four Artists from Mexico Revisit Orozco

"50 Books | 50 Covers" Competition
AIGA + Design Observer for the Book category

Prometheus 2017: Four Artists from Mexico Revisit Orozco is edited by Rebecca McGrew and Terri Geis, with texts by Rebecca McGrew, Terri Geis, Mary K. Coffey, Daniel Garza Usabiaga and Benjamin Kersten.

Additional Press and Recognition:
LA Weekly
Pyrotechnics Performance with Artist Adela Goldbard

More Recently Released Titles

Marcia Hafif: A Place Apart
Pomona College Museum of Art

Hayv Kahraman: Project Series 52
Pomona College Museum of Art

Upcoming Releases

September 27, 2018
Past/Forward: The LA Phil at 100
Los Angeles Philharmonic

Spring 2019
Cauleen Smith: Give It or Leave It
The Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania
Exhibition on view now through December 23, 2018

Fall 2019
Nineteen Nineteen
The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens

Sara Kathryn Arledge
Armory Center for the Arts and X Artist's Books

And many more surprises!