Hillary Mushkin: Incendiary Traces
Pomona College Museum of Art Project Series 51
Contributions by Rebecca McGrew, Hillary Mushkin, Susanna Newbury, and Sarah Seekatz
Designed by Content Object, Kimberly Varella with Becca Lofchie
Casebound Hardcover, 136 Pages
Publisher: Pomona College Museum of Art, 2017
ISBN: 978-0-9856251-9-1
Dimensions: 6 × 9.5 in.
Printing: The Avery Group at Shapco Printing
Incendiary Traces complements the first museum exhibition of Los Angeles-based artist Hillary Mushkin. A unique collective project that interrogates landscape through drawing, the experimental initiative sharing the name of this publication was generated through on-site public “draw-in” events, ongoing research, and the publication of related materials. Incendiary Traces contextualizes the work done by this project at six different local militarized zones over the past five years. The book includes an introductory text by Rebecca McGrew, an essay by Susanna Newbury discussing the effect of military technology on visualizing conflict, an essay by Sarah Seekatz on the history of Southern California’s date industry and the orientalist fantasies associated with the Coachella Valley desert, and narrative captions by Hillary Mushkin.

Photography by Ian Byers-Gamber