Huffington Post: MutualArt’s Top 10 Art Books of 2014, 2015
New York Times: New Print Technologies Help Art Books Survive in a Digital World, 2016
AIGA & Design Observer: 50 Books | 50 Covers Winner, 2015
Made in L.A. 2014
Edited by Connie Butler and Michael Ned Holte
Contributions by Judy Fishkin, Jarett Kobek, Matias Viegener, Marcia Hafif, Michael Ned-Holte, Jibade-Khalil Huffman, Jarett Kobek, Jennifer Moon, Sara Rara, Allison Angsten, David Evans Frantz, Emily Gonzalez, Jen Hutton, Rebecca Matalon, Aram Moshayedi, and Ricky Swallow
Designed by Content Object, Kimberly Varella with Tanya Rubbak
Casebound Hardcover with Slipcase and Reader: 284 pages
Publisher: Hammer Museum and DelMonico Books • Prestel, 2014
ISBN: 978-3791353876
Dimensions: 8.6 × 12.5 in.
Separations: Echelon Color, Santa Monica, CA
Printing: Conti Tipocolor, Florence, Italy
Celebrating the Hammer Museum’s biennial, this volume brings together the work of thirty-five emerging and under-recognized artists from Los Angeles. It features new installations, videos, films, sculptures, performances, and paintings, much of it commissioned especially for the biennial, and offers a snapshot of the L.A. scene. Each artist is featured in multiple pages, along with six foldout inserts specifically designed for the book by some of the artists featured in the exhibition. Essays by the exhibition’s curators and many of its artists round out this volume that showcases one of America’s most fertile and exciting artistic environments.

Photography by Ian Byers-Gamber
Text from the Hammer Museum