Edited by Cara Megan Lewis and Jasmine McNeal with Linnéa Spransy, Vicki Phung Smith, and Michael Wright
Contributions by Roberta Ahmanson, Ashon Crawley, Cara Megan Lewis, Jasmine McNeal, Vicki Phung Smith, Linnéa Spransy, Michael Wright
Designed by Content Object: Kimberly Varella, Design and Art Direction; Sam Wagner, Assistant Designer; David Evans Frantz, Project Manager
Casebound Hardcover, 180 pages
Publisher: Bridge Projects, Los Angeles, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-7336400-3-9
Dimensions: 7.5 × 10.5 in.
Separations: Echelon Color, Santa Monica, CA
Printing: VeronaLibri, Verona, Italy
This publication accompanies Otherwise/Revival, a group exhibition that visualizes the impact of the historic Black church—specifically the Black Pentecostal movement—on contemporary artists. Inspiration for the exhibition is drawn from reflecting on the event of the Azusa Street Revival, and the publication itself borrows from traditional hymnals in it’s materiality and form. Sculptures, paintings, video, and performances celebrate the significance of music, praise, breath, and community. Exhibited artists reflect on their traditions, heritages, passions, and talents to cultivate a space where art thrives and expresses a unifying language for all. Included in the book are images and short essays for each of the participating artists, music and lyrics for hymns chosen by each artist, and longer essays by Ashon T. Crawley and Jasmine McNeal.